Where Do I Begin
I have decided we are going to start school on August 14. Meanwhile, my kitchen table is covered with curriculum books. So much so that we had to have our dinner in the living room tonight. Anyway, I have quite a few books that I'll still be able to use this year, which is good. I just don't know where to go from here though. I always second guess myself around this time of year. Am I doing the right thing, should we be using this curriculum or would this one be better? Should I hired a math tutor for my oldest? Is my youngest really reading on his level? (Of course he IS, it's HIS level!) Should we go back to a more text book curriculum? Are they really learning?... And so on and so forth. And of course all of these questions will come back to me again around the beginning of January and I will have to go over all the second guessing again. I'm glad that there are so many different styles to homeschooling, I really am. But sometimes, I just wish that there was one online store, they had one curriculum, and that was the only choice! You ordered it, you used it, and if your child didn't do well, you had no other options - your child failed.OH wait... they do have that option, it's called public schools.