And because I'm bored... I'm watching "Two-A-Days" on mtv. I'm watching in absolute disbelief at what goes on in the all Amercian public school system. I know sports are important to schools but seriously people. To all the public school supporters, let me tell you a little something... I am sitting here watching two 12th GRADE cheerleaders who can't even spell "sweet" or "revenge". 12th GRADERS!! My 4th GRADER can spell "sweet"! My mouth is hitting the floor.
And that my friends, is why I homeschool!!
Not to mention that in the last few week's newspapers there have been quite a few parents writing in to the "Letters to the Editor" about all the bullying going on in our schools here and how nothing is being done about it. Ya, I don't think our schools here could handle me as a parent. If anything ever happened to either one of my kids, I would be in those doors so fast they wouldn't know what hit them! Let's not forget what happened in Colorado this past week. Horrible!